A: Critical Literature
Survey Paper |
- Students will pick a machine intelligence problem that
interests them.
- The students will be asked to put themselves in the
shoes of authors of a conference or a journal survey paper.
- They are supposed to search the literature for approaches
to tackle this problem.
- They survey and discuss the relative strengths of each
- Then they suggest a taxonomic classification of these
approaches showing how they are related or how they can be classified
based on different well-defined criteria.
- The paper will be 4-6 pages. Student must comply strictly
with the formatting instructions using IEEE Manuscript Templates.
B: Paper Critics
- The students must pick a paper recently published (2013-2015)
in one of the journals/transactions/magazines listed below.
- The students will be asked to put themselves in the
shoes of a reviewer for a conference or journal.
- They should give constructive feedback to the authors.
- They will mention the good and weak aspects of the paper.
- For every criticism, students will make a suggestion
to improve the paper.
- Paper
Critics form must be used.