Team-based projects are integrated as an essential part of the course.
These projects help students to get hands-on experience in applying
different techniques studied in this course in the development of intelligent
algorithms/systems. Students select one of the options listed below
for which they will undertake an independent investigation and apply
the studied algorithms in the course to solve a selected problem. Course
instructor and TAs will provide support to help the students with searching
and using the literature, analyzing the challenging aspects of the problem
and writing the final paper of the project. The programming parts of
the project must be implemented in Matlab/Octave.
Projects must be done in group of 4 students. Teamwork helps
to achieve more than what could ever be achieved on your own, improve
problem solving, foster creativity and innovation and improve decision
making. Teams of students must conceive, design and develop the project.
Different issues should be considered to form a collaborative team such
as responsibility for assignment, team composition (hard and soft skills,
previous academic performance, etc.) and the schedule of the team members
(how easy to establish regular face-to-face meetings). Once team is
formed, students should be willing to subordinate their personal preferences
to the decisions of the team, and be willing to compromise in order
to achieve a group consensus. As team work should have team rewards,
team members will receive a common grade. However a free-riding team
member will be penalized if a common and repetitive negative feedback
(peer evaluations) received from the other team members. This feedback
will be investigated before deciding the penalty.
To register, please fill
in the registration
form before Friday January 16, 2015 and submit it to your course
instructor's eamil address. The following project options are
Option A (Application):
Option B (Comparative
Option C (Algorithm
Course Project Paper:
The result of the course project will be a scientific paper (minimum
5 pages) along with part of the source code developed to solve a given
problem. IEEE Manuscript Template must be used. The paper must contain the following:
Summary: The Summary should be a brief version of the full paper.
It should give the reader an accurate overview. Be brief, but be specific.
1. Introduction: summarize the importance of the problem you
are trying to solve and the reason that motivated you to select this
project. Explain what was the problem or challenge that you were given?
state the purpose of the project and how did you solve it? Enumerate
the objectives of the project and describe in brief the structure of
the paper.
2. Literature Review: Conduct a critical survey on similar solutions
and explain how your solution extends or differs from these solutions.
3. Problem Formulation and Modeling: Include the problem statement
and describe its model.
4. Proposed Solution: describe your proposed approach to solve
the selected problem (DON'T include source code in the paper). Pseudocode
can be used.
5. Performance Evaluation: Establish a set of evaluation metrics
and run some experiments with different settings and/or values of algorithm
parameters to quantitatively and qualitatively assess the performance
of the developed solution. Students must identify the pros and cons
of the experimented techniques and assess the quality of work as well
as its fit with project objectives.
6. Conclusions: summarize the conclusion and future improvement.
Explain how did you solve the problem, what problems were met? what
did the results show? And how to refine the proposed solution?You may
organize ideas using lists or numbered points, if appropriate, but avoid
making your paper into a check-list or a series of encrypted notes.
References: Every paper needs references; in fact, your failure
to consult references for guidance may be considered negligence. On
the other hand, when you include sentences, photos, drawings or figures
from other sources in your paper, the complete reference must be cited.
Failure to do so is plagiarism, an academic infraction with serious
Project Delivery:
In order to complete evaluating the project, each team has to upload to designated DROPBOX on LEARN all materials related to the project
(final course project paper according to the course policy mentioned above + a well documented Matlab/Octave code and executable code with
ReadMe/UserGuide that shows how to install and use the developed software).