Course Policies
Grading Policy:
Method |
Assignments: |
Written Assignments |
Mini-project#1 |
Mini-project#2 |
Project |
Mini-project#3 |
Final Project Presentation |
IEEE Paper |
Quizzes [best 2] |
Quiz#3 Project Report [Mandatory - Comparative Study] |
Quiz#1 [Written before midterm] |
Quiz#2 [Written before final exam] |
Mid-term |
Final Exam |
Total |
General Rules:
Anything handed in after 5:00PM on the due
date will be penalized by 50% for each 24 hours of lateness.
All homework (assignemnts) is to be done
individually. If you have any homework problems, you are urged
to bring your questions to the professor or the TA. Your assignment
will not be graded if answers are provided without explanations,
if student's name is missing or if some pages are missing.
All exams (including the final exam) will be in-class, closed book exams. The final exam will be comprehensive, covering material from the entire course.
All tests are required, and you should make
every effort to take the scheduled test. In the event that you
have an emergency beyond your control and cannot take a test,
please notify your instructor in advance if possible. At the
next lecture period, submit a written statement explaining why
you missed the test. Perhaps, some combination of other grades
will be assigned as the grade for the missed test for those
who follow the rules above. An oral examination, a substantial
lab problem, or a comprehensive test during the final period
are other possibilities. The choice belongs to the instructor.
IMPORTANT: missing a test does not automatically allow you to
substitute other work for a test grade.
The work submitted for grading must be your
own work. It is reasonable to discuss with others possible general
approaches to problems. It is unreasonable to work together
on a detailed solution, to copy a solution, or to give away
a solution. Such instances of academic dishonesty may result
in a course grade of F. Submitting a work that is not your own
work is considered academic dishonesty (Plagiarism). NO COPYING
be dealt with harshly, and may result in failure of the assignment/exam
and/or failure of the class. Each student is responsible for
securing his or her work from copying.
If you have a need for disability-related
accommodations or services, please inform your instructor. Reasonable
and effective accommodations and services will be provided to
students if requests are made in a timely manner, with appropriate
documentation, in accordance.
Although class attendance will not be taken, decisions on borderline grades will be based upon exceptional class participation, as deemed merited by the course instructor. You are expected to keep up with all course material and announcements covered in class. If you miss class, you must obtain the covered material from a willing classmate. Neither the instructor nor the TAs will be available (during office hours or other times) to repeat material covered in class.
Please use the course website as your first resource for course materials. Updates will be made daily as appropriate. It is essential that you check the website periodically. Posted will be homework assignments, course announcements, changes in course materials, handouts, code/examples, and answers to pertinent questions.