
Work Plan

Task Description
Activity 1: Problem Characterization
This project will start by studying comprehensively the problem in order to characterize its complexity and its main challenges. A Statement of work (SOW) report will be produced for the problem characterization .
Activity 2: Literature Survey
An exhaustive literature review will be performed on the modern approaches, which are currently being used or investigated to solve this problem. This literature review will address all the aspects of the academically or commercially available approaches. This literature review will provide taxonomy of the different problems and an analysis and comparison of the most interesting solutions. A report that summarizes the literature review will be produced. This report will also provide answers on the following questions:
- How do the different approaches differ?
- What are the strong and weak points of each approach?
- How can you decide which is appropriate for your application?
Activity 3: Comprehensive Study of the Candidate Approach
Perform a comprehensive study to fully understand the candidate approach.
Activity 4: Proposed Solution Design
Based on the problem considered and the literature survey, propose your own approach to solve the problem. Interim report will be produced describing in details the proposed approach and explaining how this approach extends or differs from other approached reported in the literature.
Activity 5: Metrics selection/definition
Select and define a set of measures of performance, which can be used to evaluate the proposed approach.
Activity 6: Implementation
Implement the proposed solution to test and evaluate its performance.
Activity 7: Performance Evaluation and Refinement
Run some experiments to quantitatively and/or qualitatively assess the performance of the proposed approach. You must assess the quality of work as well as its fit with project objectives and refine the system if needed. A report on the implementation, test, and performance evaluation of the proposed approach will be produced.
Activity 8: Final Report
Prepare and submit the final report. The final report must contain the following sections:
1. Summary: The Summary should be a brief version of the full report. It should give the reader an accurate overview. Be brief, but be specific.
2. Introduction: summarize the importance of the problem you are trying to solve and the reason that motivated you to select this project. Explain what was the problem or challenge that you were given? state the purpose of the project and how did you solve it? Enumerate the objectives of the project and describe in brief the structure of the report.
3. Literature Review: Conduct a critical survey on similar systems and explain how your system extends or differs from these systems.
4. Proposed Systems: Explain in details all the components of the developed system highlighting
5. Performance Evaluation: Establish a set of evaluation metrics and run some experiments to quantitatively and/or qualitatively assess the performance of the developed system. Students must assess the quality of work as well as its fit with project objectives.
6. Conclusions & Recommendations: summarize the conclusion and future improvement. Explain how did you solve the problem, what problems were met? what did the results show? And how to refine the proposed solution?You may organize ideas using lists or numbered points, if appropriate, but avoid making your report into a check-list or a series of encrypted notes
7. References: Every report needs references; in fact, your failure to consult references for guidance may be considered negligence. On the other hand, when you include sentences, photos, drawings or figures from other sources in your report, the complete reference must be cited. Failure to do so is plagiarism, an academic infraction with serious consequences.
Activity 9: Presentation Final Delivery
Before the presentation and in order to complete evaluating the project, you have to prepare a CD for the supervisor containing all materials related to your thesis. The contents of this CD must be organized in the following folders:
- Documents: a folder that includes the thesis report with JabRef eRecords of the research resources, and sources of the used diagrams (Visio, PPT, Enterprise, etc.) and the presentation (PDF or PPT with all Latex source and videos/demos if any).
- Source Code: a folder contains a well documented source code and executable code with UserGuide that shows how to install and use the developed software.
- SW Used: a folder includes all the software packages used during the thesis development.
- Papers: All the published/submitted papers (if any, both PDF and Word/Latex with all images/diagrams and slides used) organized in folders named by the title of the conference/journal.
- Reading: All the reading materials used during the thesis development.