Computer science is the study of algorithms. This study includes algorithms' formal properties, algorithms' hardware realizations, algorithms' linguistic realizations and algorithms' applications. An algorithm is a step-by-step specification of a method to solve a problem within a finite amount of time. It is a procedure (a finite set of well-defined instructions) for accomplishing some task which, given an initial state, will terminate in a defined end-state.
IEEE Computer Society defined Computer Engineering as "a discipline that integrates several fields of electrical engineering and computer science required to develop computer systems".
BSE225 Computer Engineering course conveys a simplified picture of the different fundamental concepts in computer engineering. The topics covered in this course include the following:
- Hardware and software basics of modern computers.
- Internal and external data representation.
- Number systems and conversion.
- Binary arithmetic fundamentals.
- Logic gates, Boolean algebra and combinatorial logic.
- Fundamentals of computer organization and architectures.
- Problem solving and algorithm.
- Algorithm description and implementation with MATLAB.
- Sequential algorithms.
- Conditional algorithms.
- Iterative algorithms.